Due to the recently enacted OSHA crane standards, crane operators involved in construction will be required to be certified by November 10, 2014. Despite the 2014 crane operator certification deadline, both employers and operators should be pursuing certification now - early compliance with OSHA regulations is always the best choice. To pass the challenging written test and practical evaluations required to earn an OSHA-recognized certification, employers and crane operators need to choose wisely when selecting both a recognized certification and a complete and highly qualified preparatory training company.
A crane operator certification by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) is recognized by most employers and contractors as the “gold standard” of crane and crane-related personnel certifications. To ensure that it can provide fair and independent assessments, NCCCO does not provide training or training material. The written examinations are administered by one to the nation’s most prestigious credentialing organizations, International Assessment Institute (IAI). Practical Exams are administered by Accredited Practical Examiners.
Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau (CICB) was among the first crane training providers to embrace CCO certification and has been providing NCCCO Mobile Crane Operator Preparatory Training with written and practical exams for over 10 years. The following information was put together by CICB to help employers, crane operators, riggers, signal persons, and inspectors choose the best training provider and certification program for them:
Duration: 3-5 days for preparatory training and written and practical examinations.
In summary, organizations and candidates should evaluate all factors involved when choosing crane operator training program and/or a crane operator certification program. Studies have shown that investing in quality training helps crane operators retain important information and inspires good safety and crane operating habits, reducing accidents and makes construction jobs run more smoothly.