Editor's note: This blog post was originally created in 2019 and has been updated in 2022 to reflect current data.
The Issue:
In 2022, OSHA issued approximately 22,000 citations.
With penalties ranging from $13,000 to ten times as much, it pays to be aware of OSHA’s top 10 most often cited violations, particularly since the list has essentially remained the same for the past decade.
The Bottom Line
The top 10, from most to least citations, is as follows:
- Fall protection—General Requirements
- Hazard communication
- Respiratory Protection
- Ladders
- Scaffolding
- Lockout/Tagout
- Powered Industrial Trucks
- Fall Protection—Training Requirements
- PPE—Eye and Face Protection
- Machine Guarding
Read on for Senior Instructor Larry Kime’s take on the #1 violation.
Expert Insight
With more than 6000 citations, Fall Protection – General Requirements, was cited almost twice as often as second place Hazard Communication.
Combined with its cousin, Training Requirements, in 8th spot, and Fall Protection makes up almost a third of the top 10 citation total combined.
To combat this, OSHA have produced several manuals worth of material to educate the workforce (such as this one for the construction industry). The key takeaway is that fall protection means much more than wearing a harness.
In essence, employers need to be aware of the environment around them, changing conditions and potential fall hazards.
Mitigating efforts include harnesses, but extend to identification of falls, covering of holes, establishing guard rails and edge protection.
OSHA also continue to update and revise their policies to help employers better manage the risks.
One very recent change is to ANSI/SAIA A92 – Mobile Elevating Work Platforms. These major revisions focused heavily on fall protection and impacted equipment such as man lifts and scissor lifts.